Saturday, November 8, 2008

Changing the Future

With the "Origin of Species" and subsequent refinements of evolutionary theory, directed evolution of any kind has been abandoned as a possibility by almost all of the scientific establishment. This contrasts with our high regard and even idolisation of those that write great books, invent new gadgets, and that have vision that becomes reality (eg. man landing on the moon by the end of the decade). By principle 4, nothing complex is created without extensive precedent. The only thing separating the process of evolution and the creative process is context. Both processes have elements in the transition where it is unclear what role pure chance plays, and how much is borrowed (or even plagiarised) from existing elements. Also, it is unclear how much importance to place to a "vision" of the desired endpoint of evolution/creative design. One cannot objectively determine the link between what the minds eye sees and the resulting creation. Alternatively, science has not come up with a mechanism for the same vision thing guiding evolution, though a combination of subconscious individual choices and the activity of some currently poorly understood genes has enough potential for a forward-looking mechanism of evolution. Analogies between natural processes and human design are crucial in progress towards success for any design.

8) Creativity and Vision - In marconomic terms, this entails visualising an "evolutionary" (see principle 4) pathway from something that exists now to something desired or required in the future, of which a reasonable analogue exists and which personal actions can be a part of. Creativity cannot come from "intelligence" without knowledge of precedents and having available analogues - nor is creativity simple plagiarism/copying with random changes.

1 comment:

Dr Clam said...

*waits eagerly for next Principia Marconomica post*